Meet Coach Michelle
Meet Coach Michelle
As a wife and stay-at-home mother of two daughters, Michelle's life was busy and on the go. Unfortunately, she put herself on the back burner putting the needs of others before herself .After her youngest daughter left home for college, little did she realize that the years of not taking care of herself had taken a toll on her.
Michelle began coaching herself back to health and wellness by joining a gym and began the process of transformation for herself. She began to adjust her diet and started a new way of thinking that greatly contributed to her life change. After several years of continued success she decided to pursue a career in Health Coaching. She is now a Master Certified Health/Life Coach. Michelle's education also has extensive practice in TCM coaching techniques that enabled her to help get to root problems that kept her from truly changing her habits and enable her to move forward . She said YES to herself!
Michelle was sexually abused as a young child and it would be revealed later in her coaching journey that many of the issues she experienced stemmed from childhood sexual abuse. She suffered with depression, anxiety and codependent behavior. She had no way of knowing how important healthy boundaries would become in her healed life. One thing that she is confident of is that even coaches need coaches. She hired a coach to support her and teach her how to begin to love herself and her inner child. In all truth, these elements came together so that her authentic, true self could finally be revealed.
She wants others to experience the same life changing results. Today she continues to exercise and care for herself in a loving way. She is dedicated to staying in touch with herself and her inner child. Her journey might have started outward in, but it is totally ok.
"You have to find what works best for you. There is no one way to heal"
She is motivated and dedicated to help you reach the goals you really want in your life.